
Monday, January 23, 2006

Amazing Revelations in new book about Mao Tse-Tung

A new book makes startling revelations about Chairman Mao. In painstakingly detailed fashion, author Jung Chang describes a softer, funnier side to the communist leader.

The author uses letters sent from the former leader to friends, lovers, and family to construct a portrait of a man with two distinct passions. Mao's first passion is unsurprising, as the book constructs a portrait of a man who dedicated his whole life to the development of a unified, Socialist Chinese state. The leader's other passion in life however, is quite surpising. In addition to being one of the most significant historical figures of the 20th Century, Mao Tse-Tung was a comic genius.

"Dearest Mother, my honor requires me to inform you of something I have done. I, Mao Tse-Tung, am Chinese, and I have played a joke... like a capitalist dog, I have gone pee pee in your coke. Forgive me Mother," writes the leader in one particularly revealing letter.

In another letter addressed to a friend from Mao's unit in the provincial army, the enigmatic leader writes "Do you know how many Marxists it takes to screw in a light bulb? The answer, of course, is two Marxists, but I am not quite sure how they fit their bodies into the tiny light bulb in order to copulate."

The book entitled LMAO, The Unknown Story is set for release next week. Look for it at your local bookseller.


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